I'm Not Crazy … Real Life Full on panic erupted in my mind after reading my psychiatrist’s note.

Full on panic erupted in my mind after reading my psychiatrist’s note.

Full on panic erupted in my mind after reading my psychiatrist’s note. post thumbnail image

She’s controlling me.

She’s using her powers against me

            I felt scared and upset. Feelings of paranoia morphed out of control and strangled my sense of reality. And so it came to be that I accused my psychiatrist and her nurse of undermining, belittling, mocking, and controlling me. I literally wrote them and told them these things, like a crazy person completely out of control.  I felt extremely isolated and I believed that I had nowhere to go and no one to talk to. I felt utterly alone, fantastically happy about the writing projects I was working on, and terribly sad because I knew I had just loss the two people I counted on for support. I became irritable and angry and my daughter asked me why I had to be so mean. 

            I contacted my psychiatrist, and she responded to me, saying that she cared about me but was sorry that I could not see it.  I dismissed this out of hand as an attempt at  manipulating me. I knew that there was nothing wrong with me and that I was in a “normal” phase.  I knew that until I actually realized that there was something wrong. This involved nudity, and hit me like a lead pipe across the back of my head. I had taken naked pictures of myself and texted them to my husband while he was at work. I’m not okay.  Besides worrying about who else I might have texted the pictures to, I began to worry about my paranoid response to my psychiatrist and her nurse.

            I felt the paranoia lessen in my mind, and I thought that I was doing better. I apologized to my doctor and her nurse for accusing them of attempting to harm me, but I didn’t know what to say. I felt like my accusations had been unforgivable.

            The worst part was that I continued to question myself and the truth behind my accusations at times. It came in crashing waves. I had moments where I believed the worst, which left me feeling scared that I would never feel normal again. I did not want to feel these feelings and I did not know how to get rid of them. I increased my medication dose in order to get control, and shared this with my psychiatrist’s nurse. She asked me when I planned on taking the “recommended dose” and the paranoia surged in my mind again. In a terrifying burst of aberrant energy, I freaked out that she was mocking and belittling me. I started hating myself. I was unable to take my medications after this out of a fear that they were poison.

            I began waking up at 3:45 or 4:00 am and I felt sick to my stomach. I was buying website domains and developing websites at a dizzying speed. I told myself that this would go away as my mood leveled out more, but I worried that by not taking my medications the paranoia would be prolonged. I wanted to believe that I could get my emotions under control, but I did not know what to do.

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